Interviewing Tips From Assistance On Call
Our tips to help you have a successful interview:
These interviewing tips are some common techniques to help you better prepare for the interview process. It is not intended to take the place of professional interview coaching.
Present A Professional Appearance And Demeanor:
Absolutely NO SCENT of perfume or tobacco of any kind.
Business attire – no exceptions! If you have tattoos, cover them. If you have facial piercings, remove them.
Arrive Early:
Arrive 5-10 minutes early for your appointment, unless otherwise instructed. Greet the receptionist warmly and professionally. This is your first impression and you want to make it a great one!
Be Prepared:
Research what you can about the practice: number of employees, patients per day, location, etc. The more you know, the better prepared you will be. Have a current copy of your resume with you. Be prepared to expand on the statements in your resume using numbers and accomplishments. Bring letters of reference, credential certificates, licenses, CE certificates of completion, and other information that supports your resume and your abilities.
During The Interview:
Stand up to greet your interviewer with a gentle handshake and a smile. Express yourself with impeccable manners but do not overdo the politeness. Sit up straight, yet comfortably. Make eye contact with the interviewer whenever you can. Maintain a good conversational style and think about your responses before answering. Listen without interrupting. Answer the questions with a focus on what you can do for the practice, not what you want from the job. Bring questions to ask of the interviewer.
Politely ask the interviewer to hire you.
After the interview:
Send a brief thank you note. Make sure that EVERYTHING is spelled correctly.

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“For twenty-five years AOC has been there for us. AOC has kept our office running smoothly through the late night calls, the extra early morning calls, and all our staffing emergencies. Always reliable, professional and prompt, AOC covered our short term needs, our long term needs, vacations and unexpected circumstances”
Dr. Vanicek & Dr. Brantes